Saturday 14 April 2012

Smiling rabbit says 'thank you'

Thanks a bunch to the kids from a Vacation Care group in Rouse Hill last week who showed their appreciation for a visit from RSPCA NSW Education by making an awesomely large Easter bunny card.

Education Officer, Eva, was the excited recepient of the uniquely designed card after two talks with the group. Splitting the kids into younger and older groups allows the Education Team to better cater the content and delivery of the message and the Vacation Care group were only too happy to organise this.

The Dog Safety Program went down a treat with the youngins' with Max stealing the show again. The oldies (yes, if you're in Year 3-6, you are now considered an oldie) were shown examples of animal cruelty and their own understandings of animal cruelty were challenged throughout. It is a sad reality that cruelty against animals happens on a daily basis but the kids were quick to react and voice their opinions about the different issues!

If you or a group you know are interested in any, and we mean ANY topic related to animal welfare, the RSPCA NSW Education Team can create a talk surrounding that issue. Drop us a line anytime on 9782 4460 or

Our rabbit named 'Mark' :)

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