Tuesday 20 September 2011

Should you encounter an unknown dog in Croydon Park...

Be sure to ask kids from one particular preschool in the area about what you should do, as they were taught this crucial information today during a visit today from Education Officer, Eva.

Many people are unaware of what to do should they cross paths with an unknown dog. The first instinct is to run away or call for help but according to the RSPCA Education Dog Safety Program, these may not be the safest options.

In research recently undertaken by RSPCA NSW, participants were tested on their dog safety knowledge prior to participating in the program and then again following their involvement in the program. The success of the Dog Safety program is illustrated with an accurate recollection of knowledge in all areas. One astounding statistic shows 23% of participants prior to the program would have approached a dog alone in the back of a car and only 1% would do so following their involvement in the program.

The Program can be catered to any audience and is part of an extensive range of programs offered to the community by the RSPCA NSW Education Team. To contact us, please call 9782 4460 or email: education@rspcansw.org.au

Is it safe to approach this dog...?

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