Friday 15 July 2011

School holidays come to an end...

Zoe and Karl raring to visit the kids!
To round up another fun-filled two weeks of Education visits, Zoe, Eva and Karl visited a lively Vacation Care group in Seven Hills today. Who is Karl you may ask? Why another wonderful dog awaiting adoption at our Yagoona Shelter of course!

Karl's definitely enjoying all the attention!

The kids were enthralled by the dog safety messages and had the chance to put theory into practice: approaching Karl using the safest method of approach when meetings dogs for the first time. At only 6 years young,  Karl was happy to meet the kids one by one, winning over some nervous participants with his friendly yet relaxed demeanour.

Often these older and more mature adult dogs are overlooked by potential new owners at the Shelter, where visitors head straight for the puppies. When choosing the right dog for a visit, the RSPCA Education Team are in favour of these more ‘senior’ dogs. Thanks to their years of experience, socialisation and desensitisation in different environments, they are worlds apart from young pups who can be unpredictable and still require a lot of training.
Come visit Karl at our Yagoona Shelter.


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