Monday 5 November 2012

Thank You #2...Veterinarians!

Ever been faced with a dilemma and had but a few clues to solve it? Well imagine this problem faced by Veterinarians everyday when they encounter animals who are evidently ill yet cannot communicate how they’re feeling!
What a quandary! Oh, the conundrum! Such an enigma!
But never fear, Veterinarians are well prepared for such challenges, especially those at the four RSPCA NSW Veterinary Hospitals who see to private and shelter patients on a daily basis.
The spectrum of cases through the RSPCA NSW doors vary immensely, from assisting RSPCA Inspectors with animals who have been neglected and not received vet treatment to ensuring that pets are desexed to promote longevity and prevent adding to a pet over population problem.
So here it comes, we present the RSPCA NSW Vets with a ‘Thank You’ card from Rosehill Public School to say thank you for all your tireless work helping animals in need.
 You guys never cease to amaze us!
Thanks Amy for your awesomeness!

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