Friday, 27 January 2012

Clock is ticking for ticks!

Its that time of the year again and summer is notorious for a variety of animal dangers, thunderstorms, fireworks, overeating, poisons and of course parasites.

External parasites can wreck havoc on your pet health, however the most dangerous parasite to most pets is the Paralysis Tick!

These little guys are found mostly on the Australain East Coast, they are transported about by native animals who are immune to their toxins.  Once they attach to your pet they inject poisonus venom, this venom has a ascending paralysis on animals. Essentially they become paralysed from the hind legs up.
Some of the first clinical signs of Tick Paralysis are:
  • Change in animals voice
  • Wobbling on hind legs
  • Unable to stand
  • Vomiting
Treament for Tick Paralysis is administred by a Vet, it involves giving an Antivenene, a thorough tick search and sometimes this includes shaving all the hair off.
Prevention is always the safest option, if you live or are holidaying in a tick area a daily tick search (feeling all over your pets body for any unusal lumps) the use of tick collars, sprays and tablets are highly recomended.

Please contact your Vet for further information reegarding Tick prevention or to find out if you live or are visiting a tick prone area.

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