Following a visit to Kindy Cove Child Care Centre this morning, Rusty secretly confessed to Education Officer, Eva, that it was love at first sight when he discovered a group of kids who had taken it upon themselves to help the animals at RSPCA NSW.
Weeks prior to the visit, a story was told of animals in need and it was this that sparked the kids to ask themselves how they too could help animals. And so began their quest for knowledge where along the way they hopped onto the RSPCA NSW website, saw a cupcake and the rest is history!
Well not history as yet, more like a premonition. Kindy Cove have now registered for the upcoming Cupcake Day and have already raised $200! Their next step was to invite the RSPCA NSW Education Team to further extend their knowledge of how they can help animals.
Into the picture came Eva and Rusty and unbeknownst to them both, but the kids were about to blow their minds with knowledge! They knew exactly why it is that RSPCA NSW exists and that they help unwanted, abused, sick and injured animals! What a profound revelation for such young individuals so it was no surprise they were eager participants in the 'Responsible Pet Ownership' Program and took it all in.
We look forward to seeing what else these kids will do to help animals in the near future! Rusty can't wait to visit again, maybe on Valentine's Day hey? :)
"C'mon Rusty, we have to head off now..." |